Progress usage documentation

Progress is a small utility for tracking progress in Kotlin. It is written with concurrency scenarios in mind and is thus entirely thread safe. Progress tracking consists of two separate parts:


A ProgressControl allows you to mutate the state, ergo setting the progress value, for the associated Progress. There are two types of ProgressControls:

A SingleProgressControl allows you to directly set a value

val control = Progress.control()

control.value = 1.0 // must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)

A ContainerProgressControl allows you to depend on more than one Progress instances

val control = Progress.containerControl()

// create a SingleProcessControl as a child
// of this control
val one = control.child()

// create a ContainerProcessControl as a child
// of this control
val second = control.containerChild()

// another child from the second
// container with a custom weight 
// for determining the impact on 
// overall progress
val third = second.child(0.5)

// so this weighs heavy on the progress
val fourth = second.child(2.0)


Progress is the client part of progress tracking. You can register a callback for receiving updates on progress or just query the current state. This can be shared across threads. You obtain a Progress instance from a ProgressControl instance.

val control = //...
val progress = control.progress

progress.update {
  //called upon updates

// current value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)

// boolean value that is true when progress.value == 1.0


val masterControl = Progress.containerControl()
masterControl.progress.update {

val firstChild = masterControl.child(0.1)
val secondChild = masterControl.containerChild(5.0)
val secondChildFirstChild = secondChild.child()
val secondChildSecondChild = secondChild.child()
val thirdChild = masterControl.child()
val fourthChild = masterControl.child(2.0)

firstChild.value = 0.25
firstChild.value = 0.50
firstChild.value = 0.75
firstChild.value = 1.0

secondChildSecondChild.value = 0.5
secondChildSecondChild.value = 1.0

thirdChild.value = 0.25
thirdChild.value = 0.50
thirdChild.value = 0.75
thirdChild.value = 1.0

fourthChild.value = 0.25
fourthChild.value = 0.50
fourthChild.value = 0.75
fourthChild.value = 1.0